*September 2011 was our first online class to help designers prepare for the October 2011 IDEX. We do not have all the information on the October 2011 exam but only what is in our own records.
Cut Scores Exams from Oct. 2011 to Oct. 2021 had a cut score of 102 The new Oct.2021 only 8 candidates got a score of 102 or higher and 20 received a score of 100 or less. The Oct. 2022 exam cut score was 105 The May 2023 exam cut score was 102 The Oct. 2023, May & Oct. 2024 cut score was 99 and will remain at 99 until further notice.
IDEXprep.com has no control or influence over the IDEX cut score. For more information on the exam’s cut score, please contact CCIDC directly.